Guest Laundry
SLE will provide your hotel, motel, or resort, new washers, and dryers- without the hefty cash outlay or repair and maintenance worries. Our generous revenue sharing plans and full-service approach will not only increase your bottom line but keep your guests coming back time after time. SLE will provide you with new washers and dryers without the hefty cash outlay or repair and maintenance worries.

- No problems disposing of outdated machines. Statewide may buy your existing equipment.
- Residents love the flexibility of our cash, smart card, and credit acceptance systems.
- Our equipment features technology designed to reduce utility expenses without sacrificing performance.
- With traditional sharing options, SLE is responsible for secure collections and payment of your percentage or revenue. This eliminates your need to empty the machines, process and count the coins and trips to the bank to make deposits.
- Not having to deal with service calls and resident complaints. Statewide will post laundry room signage that includes directions to contact SLE online or by phone. All service calls are routinely responded to within 24 hours
- Refunds to customers are always sent out in a timely manner.